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Illuminate your workspace with your own cube. Visualize emotions or simply show your online, offline state. Cube is part of the CoENV and aims at creating a better work environment.

Cube is part of Project Launch. This project emerged from the 5th semester of Code & Context initiated by Kathia von Roth. CoENV aims at creating a better work environment. This is a DIY project, so feel free to take a look at our README

Max Richter, Kay Schuh, Maximilian Schmalenbach


You can hack your own cube. The pi is easily accessible by ssh. Think about different modes, by default there are 'party' and 'auth'. learn more

Build your own cube. The first cube to ever exist was build from scrap material. learn more

By building your own cube you contribute to the ecosystem. The instructions are fairly simple, if you worked with a raspberry pi before.